Propulsion Division is mainly involved in applied research in critical areas of gas turbine engine, high speed combustion and development of Wankel rotary engines. The division has contributed towards propulsion R&D towards civilian and strategic sectors.
The division has the capability for the Design, Development, Analyses and Testing of Gas Turbine Engine Components: Axial flow compressor stage, Centrifugal and mixed flow compressor stage, Straight and Reverse flow Combustors, Cascades for Compressor and Turbine, Turbines, Heat Transfer, Nozzle, Rotor dynamics and Mechanical aspects and CFD. Over the decades, Propulsion Division has contributed to the needs of GTRE and HAL towards their Gas Turbine Engine Technologies.
Contributed towards the development of high speed combustion technologies for DRDO & ISRO.
Developed 55 hp Wankel engine for UAV for DRDO..
Carried out collaborative R&D with Private Aerospace Organisatios like Pratt & Whitney and GE
Division continues to support other organizations like DRDO, ADA, ISRO, HAL, IGCAR, DST, BHEL, GE and Honeywell through sponsored projects.