I, completed Master of Engineering with specialization in Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbine from M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, and Ph. D in Turbomachinery, in Axial Flow Compressors Stability Management, from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Also, hold Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) with specializations in Operation Research. Presently working as Principal Scientist in Propulsion Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore. The thrust area of current research is design, development and performance evaluation of high performance aero compressors.
Expertise in design of high performance turbomachinery, instabilities in compressors/fans and their control using passive and active methods, steady and real time measurements in high speed turbomachinery, performance predictions using computational and experimental techniques. Handled several research and developmental, in-house and sponsored projects like casing treatment techniques in compressors, design and development of high pressure ratio fan, calibration of helicopter engine Bellmouth. Lead faculty Gas Turbine Propulsion, AcSIR, New Delhi. Aero-engine review committee member of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Bangalore. Editor and reviewer of several national and international journals and conferences
Last updated on : 11-11-2020 01:52:54pm