The Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory (CEM Lab.) was founded in 1993 at the CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL) to initiate the activities in the area of computational electromagnetics for aerospace applications. CEM Lab was provided a status of a separate R&D centre as the Centre for Electromagnet (CEM), w.e.f. Jan 1st 2013. CEM proposes to stimulate and nurture the low-volume, high-value industries through “Innovation Driven Technologies” in the niche areas where it decidedly has pioneering and leadership role.
The mandate of the Centre for Electromagnetics is to (i) establish proven capabilities, (ii) technology development for national requirements, (iii) technology assessment in emerging areas, and (iv) training of manpower in the area of electromagnetics.
The Centre for Electromagnetics proposes to leverage knowledge with its core strengths for innovative EM applications for aerospace and strategic sectors, with possible spin-off to other civilian industries. In this, the CEM is strengthened by its unique position nationally, of its capability to blend the state-of-the-art designs with performance validation through actual hardware realization.
Such an approach is made possible, since the CEM has been able to establish several certified CSIR National Facilities, viz. (i) the Adaptive Antenna Facility, (ii) the FSS Facility for Aerospace Applications, and (iii) the EM Materials Applications Facility. These facilities are further supplemented by (iv) the EM Design Centre, (v) the Experimental Microwaves Facility, and (vi) the NAL Microwave Anechoic Chamber. All these centres/facilities represent the state-of-the-art, capable of enabling cutting-edge R&D in EM applications.
Core Competencies:
- Radar cross section (RCS) and Infrared (IR) signature studies
- Radar absorbing materials (RAM) and structures (RAS)
- Phased antenna arrays
- Radomes
- Airborne antennas
- Metamaterials for Aerospace Engg.
- Computational Techniques
- EM characterization of materials
- Atmospheric Electromagnetics
The Centre for Electromagnetics (CEM) envisions the leadership role in the following:
- Stealth Technologies
- Radome Technologies
- Advanced EM Technologies
The Centre for Electromagnetics proposes to stimulate and nurture “low-volume high-value activities” through “innovation driven technologies” in the above niche areas, where the CEM holds a pioneering position and a proven potential for the leadership role.
Towards the emerging CSIR-NAL vision of serving as the technology solution provider, the CEM proposes to contribute as the total electromagnetic (EM) solution provider. The Centre for Electromagnetics envisions its role as (i) the EM solution provider, and (ii) the provider of the end-to-end, actual, full-scale, EM hardware systems (may include feasibility studies, design, responsibility for fabrication, characterization and certification).
Stealth Technologies: The inherent strength of the Centre for Electromagnetics in the areas of radar cross section (RCS) studies, radar absorbing material (RAM) technology, and radar absorbing structure (RAS) would continue to support national stealth programs.
Radome Technologies: The radome technologies developed at the Centre for Electromagnetics have a world-wide recognition for its pioneering technical innovations. This has led to certified radomes for aircraft and missiles, and is readily extendible to the UAVs.
Advanced EM Technologies: CEM is well positioned to enhance electromagnetic performance of the numerous relevant aerospace hardware to the next higher level, with the application of advanced EM technologies. This includes metamaterial technology, frequency selective surface (FSS) technology, phased arrays, active array systems, etc.
R&D Perspective
CEM undertake research and development (R&D) projects in core areas of activities on turn-key basis. CEM is also associated with the EM design aspects of various inter-divisional projects, where actual certified hardware is delivered to the customer.
Certification Support
The CEM has extensive experience with military and civil aerospace certification procedures. Comprehensive documentations (QTP, QTR, ATP, ATR etc.) are also prepared in consultation with the customer and certification agencies such as CEMILAC, DGCA & CRI for the design and development projects undertaken by NAL.
Industry Sponsors
- Boeing Aircraft Co., Seattle, USA
- GE Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
- CABS, Bangalore
- CCADD, Bangalore
- DRDL, Hyderabad
- HAL, Bangalore
- IAF HQ, New Delhi
- IMD, New Delhi
- Indian Navy, New Delhi
- ISRO, Bangalore
- LRDE, Bangalore
- AR&DB, New Delhi
- DST, New Delhi
International Collaborations