Ray tracing package: For cuboid, building corridor, rectangular tunnel, and open streets
Ray tracing package: For cuboid, building corridor, rectangular tunnel, and open streets is a software package developed in-house that can be used to generate ray path details inside cuboid (e.g. reverbation chamber application), rectangular tunnels, building corriders, open streets with building on both sides etc. A ray tracing package for building corridor, rectangular tunnel, open streets is developed to generate the ray path details which is the a priori requirement for RF field buildup. A quasi-analytical HF ray-tracing technique is implemented in conjunction with analytical surface modeling. Multiple receivers are placed randomly inside the tunnel as well as in the metrorail and the ray propagation analysis is carried out. Unlike the available ray-tracing packages, that use numerical search methods, a quasi-analytical ray-propagation model is developed to obtain the ray-path details inside the cavity which involves the ray-launching, ray-bunching, and an adaptive cube for ray-reception
S/w Code Ref.: 015/CR/2013
Registration No.: SW-7551/2013