Indigenous Aerospace grade Autoclave Technology
CSIR- NAL has successfully developed state-of-art Indigenous Autoclave Technology for processing advanced light weight composites that are integral to modern day civil and military airframes. The size of autoclaves developed range from smaller lab scale to very large sizes up to 5m working dia and 12m working length. The operating temperatures can be as high as 425 Deg C and pressures up to 15 barg. This will meet the requirements of Aerospace Industry, Research and Educational Institutes. The technology has been transferred to two private industries namely M/s. KRR Heavy Engineering Pvt Ltd., Chennai and M/s. Unique Chemoplat Equipment, Mumbai. In the last 7-8 years several autoclaves have been supplied to various organisations in the strategic sector as well as academic institutions. About 500 million rupees worth of business has been generated as on date. The autoclave technology has been largely successful in promoting the local eco-system, mitigating imports and creating millions of employment man-hours within the country.

CSIR-NAL’s Lab Scale Autoclave

Labscale autoclave at MIT, Manipal

Labscale autoclave delivered to IIT Bombay

Longest autoclave (3.6m (D) x 12.8m (L)) in the country at ASL, DRDO, Hyderabad

Dual computer controlled autoclave at ADE, DRDO, Bengaluru

Labscale autoclave at ISAC, ISRO, Bengaluru