The accuracy of the CFD simulation results is directly linked to meshing. the better the mesh in quality, the more accurate results can be expected. It is a critical part of the CFD simulation process that needs thorough understanding of the meshing/ grid generation steps in both Structured and Unstructured grids. The Pointwise pre-processing tool being used for mesh generation process. In that we used various techniques grid topology and multi-block grids for Structured grid. For unstructured grids T-rex techniques, sources for increase the fineness in certain areas to capture flow physics accurately.
Generation of various grids for various applications/groups:
- Mesh free group
- Steady flow analysis Mirage/Saras aircraft
- Unsteady analysis for LCA (structured grid) imprans group
- Unsteady RANS simulations for Saras Propeller (unstructrued grid) Su2 group
- Saras propeller analysis using Disc theory (Dr Venkatesh) group

Surface grid of structured grid of combat aircraft

Surface grid and volume grid of unstructured grid of combat aircraft