3D-Purles - Incompressible flow simulations
- Extensive research in the area of turbulence and transition for incompressible flows
- The in-house incompressible flow solution code 3D-PURLES (3D parallel multi-block pressure-based finite volume NS code) is capable of handling both external and internal flows.
- 3D-PURLES is constantly upgraded with state-of the art techniques to handle the complex flows with better accuracy
- 3D-PURLES extensively used for various hydrodynamic and low speed aerodynamic problems under different sponsored R & D projects
- The transition phenomenon in particular for MAV wings are captured using 3D-PURLES
- Large Eddy Simulations of flow past circular cylinder carried out using 3D-PURLES has captured most of the flow physics encountered in the different flow regimes.
- The in-house structured grid generation tool which on differential-algebraic hybrid procedure is extensively used for two-dimensional as well as simple three-dimensional geometries
- Commercial grid generation tool POINTWISE is also used to generate structured gird for complex geometry and unstructured grids
- The open source CFD tool OpenFOAM has been explored using both structured as well as unstructured grids
- Detached Eddy Simulation is the ongoing research
- Research Papers – 6 Journal, 41 Conference, 27 documents
Major features of the in-house code 3D-PURLES
- Multiblock Structured Boundary-Orthogonal Body-Fitted Curvilinear grids
- Cell centered with cartesian velocity components
- Time accurate Implicit pressure based finite volume approach
- Second order accurate schemes for spatial and temporal discretisation
- SIMPLE algorithm with momentum interpolation for cell centered variables
- Turbulence models : – k-e, k-w, v2f, SST, SA
- Transition models :- kT – kL– ω and g – Reθ SST
- Large Eddy Simulation – Smagorinsky and Dynamic sub-grid scale models
- Parallelised using domain decomposition methodology
Turbulence Modelling for external steady flows
- Hydrodynamic applications : Submarine Sonar Dome, Torpedoes, Marine propellers, ship hulls with sonar dome
- DWR Radome Structures , Water tanks
- Airfoils, wings
- Aerostat balloons
- Mav wings and fuselage
- Impinging jet on a plate
- Prolate Spheroid at high Re

3D-PURLES simulations of hydrodynamic problems using k-e turbulence model. These simulations were carried on NAL Flosolver Mk5 super computer .

3D-PURLES simulations using k-e turbulence model could the major features of the complex flow and is found to be in good agreement with IISc measurements

3D-PURLES used to study the performance MAV configurations and the aerodynamic data generated is in good agreement with NAL measurements

3D-PURLES could predict the primary separation, secondary separation and aerodynamic coefficients close to the measurement

Turbulence Modelling for external unsteady flows
- Bluff bodies – Circular & Square cylinder
- Radome Structures
- Airfoil at high angles of attack
- Low Re airfoils
- Pitching airfoils
- Airfoils with leading edge droop

Transition Modelling for external flows
- Zero and non-zero Flat plate test cases
- Low Re airfoils used in MAVS
- 300 and 150mm MAV wings
- Prolate Spheroid at low Re

Large Eddy Simulation

Steady and Unsteady internal flow
- Chanel flows
- S-Ducts with different bent angles and Aspect Ratio
- Unsteady flow of bluff body in channel
- T- and Y- junctions
- Cooling System of Airborne Radar