Bonding of Antenna Beams for Radar for Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM) program
Advanced Defence System-Navy (ADSN) of Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL) approached ACD seeking support for their radar antenna system for long-range surface to air missile (LRSAM) program. The radar antenna is made up of a printed circuit board (PCB) bonded on the machined aluminum plate called “Beam”. The manufacturing involves the bonding of PCB to the beam using an autoclave. The PCB bonding is a special process and critical in nature. One ship set consists of 72 No of beams of varying length. M/s ELTA (IAI), Israel was the production agency for this activity and under the Make in India program, BEL is producing antennas in-house. CSIR-NAL is helping BEL in this bonding activity, which is of national importance. We have completed a successful demonstration of trial and production beam bonding activity to ELTA representatives who had come over to ACD. Subsequently, the completed bonding of one ship-set (72 No) of beams and the second ship set is under progress.
In view of our above service, CSIR-NAL was conferred with partnership recognition award 2020-21, on 18/11/2021