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2025 (8)
March (2)
Notification of list of selected candidate for engagement of research associate-1 against advt. no. 06/2024
A tribute to dr. s. balakrishna, the first head of flight mechanics & control division.
February (4)
Advertisement for the post of technical assistants at csir-nal, bengaluru vide advt. no.06/2025
Advertisement for the post of scientists / gr.iv(2) at csir-nal, bengaluru vide advt. no.01/2025
Specialist consultant post advt 01/2025
Results for the positions of part time medical officers on contract basis at csir-nal health centre - reg.
January (2)
Acsir ph.d awardees from csir-nal.
Engagement of part-time medical officers advt.13/2024
2024 (38)
December (5)
List of selected candidates for acsir ph.d program- jan 2025 session.
Seven days state mourning-demise of dr. manmohan singh, former prime minister of india on 26.12.2024 at aiims hospital, new delhi.
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt. no. 10/2024 - reg.
List of candidates qualified in the written test (screening) held on 12/12/2024 for engagement of project associate-i/pat-i against advt.10/2024.
Coffee table book developed for digital life certificate (dlc) campaign – reg.
November (5)
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt. 10/2024
Notification of selected/ waitlisted candidates for the post of technical officer (reserved for ews) in group ill against advt.3/2021 -reg.
Apply offline on or before 15th dec 2024, advt no 02/2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt. no. 11/2024 -reg.
Engagement of apprentice trainees through walk-in-interview. advt 12/2024
October (2)
Walk-in-interview for project staff, advt. no. 11/2024
Conduct of written examination for the qualified candidates in skill test against advt. no.3/2021 for recruitment to the post of technical officer in gr.ill (one post - reserved for ews) at csir-nal, bengaluru - reg.
September (3)
Implementation of online guest house booking system
Notification of selected / waitlisted candidates for the post of technician-1 in group ii against advt.4/2021.
Notice for caution regarding fraudulent recruitment
August (3)
Apply on or before 31 oct 2024, advt. no. 1/2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against
Apply offline on or before 30.08.2024,
July (5)
One week one theme-22-23 august 2024
Notification of selected/waitlisted candidates for the post of technical assistant in group iii against advt.3/2021
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt. no. 07/2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt. no. 05/2024- reg.
List of candidates qualified in the written test (screening) held on 02/07/2024 for engagement of project associate-i and project associate-i (net/gate) against advt.05/2024.
June (3)
Dr s r valluri-remembering the man who built csir-nal.
List of candidates qualified in the written test (screening) held on 26/06/2024 for engagement of project associate-i and project associate-i (net/gate) against advt.05/2024.
Walk-in-interview for project staff, advt. no. 05/2024
May (1)
Visit of hon'ble vice-president of india shri jagdeep dhankhar & hon'ble governor of karnataka shri thaawarchand gehlot to csir-nal
March (2)
Apply offline on or before 28.03.2024, advt 4/2024
Jrf advertisement advt. no.3/2024
February (4)
Apply offline on or before 07.03.2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt.12/2023 - reg.
Apply offline on or before 27.02.2024- advt 02/2024
List of selected candidates against for the position of junior research fellow at csir-nal.
January (5)
List of candidates qualified in the written test held on 18/01/2024 for engagement of project associate-i against advt.12/2023.
List of candidates qualified in the skill/ trade test held during 15th -20th may 2023 and on 5th january 2024 against advt. no. 3/2021
List of candidates qualified in the skill/ trade test held during 15th -20th may 2023 against advt. no. 4/2021
List of shortlisted candidates against for the position of junior research fellow at csir-nal
Result of advertisement no.2/2023
2023 (33)
December (3)
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt 12-2023
Results of written examination held on 15/10/2023 for selection to the position of junior secretariat assistant (f&a) against advt. no. 08/2020.
Jrf advertisement
November (1)
List of shortlisted candidate(s) against advt. no. 2/2023 for the position of technical assistant and senior technical officer - 2 at csir-nal
October (6)
Engagement of "scientific administrative assistant" against csir-nal advt. no. 10/2023
List of candidates who are qualified in the written test for engagement of "scientific administrative assistant" at csir-nal.
Industry interaction for avionics indigenisation, repair and overhaul
Handing over function of "development of flaperon test box assembly for amca" was successfully completed on 05/10/2023 at nal- director office
Team csir-nal feels proud to share that shri shyam chetty, former director, csir-nal has been awarded the international award for excellence in aerospace "life time achievement award " by "the stat trade times" in recognition for his outstanding & dedica
Walk-in-interview for the post of scientific administrative assistant on october 12, 2023 at csir-nal
August (7)
Observance of vigilance awareness week 2023 (16 august 2023 to 15 november 2023)
Tribute to shri g rajendra (1943 – 2023)
List of candidates qualified in the typing test held on 27.05.2023 for the post of junior secretariat assistant ( f&a) against advt. no. 8/2020
Tribute to dr v.s. arunachalam, former assistant director, nal & former sa to rm
Csir-nal proposes to recruit two junior research fellow for a period of two years under ongoing dst project, advt. no.9/2023
"notification of walk-in-interview results for the post of project staff" advt no 07/2023
One week one lab(owol) events at csir-nal from 19 sept 2023 to 24 sept 2023
July (3)
Visiting hours at csir - nal health centre - reg.
Csir-nal's contribution to chandrayaan mission
Reimbursement of medical claims in respect of employees / pensioners and their dependent family members - reg.
June (2)
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt. no. 07/2023
Apply offline on or before 23.06.2023, advt. no.5/2023
May (4)
Advt. no.2/2023 apply offline before 26.06.2023
List of selected candidates against advt. no. 3/2021 for the position of technical assistant in gr.iii at csir-nal
Last date for apply offline application is extended up to 15.06.2023
Download admit card for typing test for the post of junior secretariat assistant (f&a), post code ad-02 -advt.08/2020
April (1)
Apply offline on or before 12.05.2023, advt.03/2023
March (1)
Jigyasa2.0 summer student visiting programme 2023 @ csir-nal
February (2)
Selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no. 01/2023.
Candidates qualified in the skill test held on 08.02.2023 - advt. no. 3/2021
January (3)
Results of written examination held on 08.01.2023 for selection to the positions of junior secretariat assistant (gen/s&p) and junior stenographer against advt. 8/2020
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt 01/2023
2022 (48)
December (2)
Apply offline on or before 09.01.2023 advt. no. 1 0/2022
List of candidates qualified in the typing tests held during 29th - 30th september, 2022 against advt. no. 8/2020
November (3)
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.07 /2022, walk-in-interviews held during 2-3, nov. 2022 and 9-10, nov. 2022
Apply offline on or before 28.11.2022, advt. no. 08/2022
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.07 /2022, walk-in-interviews held during 19-20, october 2022
October (3)
Results of project staff interview held during 12-14, october 2022, advt. no.07 /2022.
Written test result of project associate -i held on 18/10/2022 against csir-nal, advt. no.07 /2022.
Special issue of "csir@80" years science reporter.
September (5)
Walk-in-interview for project staff, advt. no. 07/2022
Qualifying typing /stenography test for the post of junior secretariat assistant (gen/s&p) and junior stenographer advt .no. 8/2020
Csir-nal's production partner tasl receives purchase order for the supply of 15 composite parts to hal for the series production of lca mk1a
List of selected/waitlisted candidates against 3/2022 for the position of sr. technical officer- 1 (resident medical officer) at csir-nal
Dr abhay anant pashilkar assuming charge as director, csir - nal on 02.09.2022
August (2)
List of shortlisted candidates against for the position of st0-1 (resident medical officer) at csir-nal
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.06/2022
July (4)
Shortlisting of the candidates for trade test and written test. csir- nal advt. no.4/2021
Walk-in-interview for project associate i & ii on 01.08.2022 and project assistant on 02.08.2022 advt no. 06/2022
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.05/2022(interviews held on 07.07.2022)
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.05/2022.
June (6)
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.05/2022.
Guidelines for guesthouse booking- reg.
Notification of selection of trade apprentice for apprenticeship training programme at csir-nal.
list of candidates for the post of junior stenographer, post code ad-03 who are meeting the screening criteria to be called for qualifying proficiency/typing test
Apply on or before 11.07.2022 advt. no. 3/2022
List of candidates for the post of junior secretariat assistant, post code ad-01 who are meeting the screening criteria to be called for qualifying typing test advt no. 08/2020
May (3)
"the hansa two-seat aircraft for pilot training" published in science reporter monthly magazine (may 2022 edition)
Results of interview held during 26th to 28th april, 2022 for project graduate trainees and project diploma trainees at csir-nal.
Change in holiday - ramzan - reg. ( holiday on 02-may-2022, monday)
April (6)
At the forefront of the country's aerospace needs, science india magazine march, 2022
राष्ट्रीय हिंदी वेबिनार (अंश- २०२२) , २१-२१ अप्रैल , २०२२
National hindi webinar (ansh-2022), 21-22 april 2022, 09.30 am to 5.00 am
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against 3/2021 for position of technical staff at csir-nal
Online registration for project staff, advt. no. 05/2022 (apply on or before 30.04.2022)
Csir-national aerospace laboratories - propelling indian aerospace industry (aeromag asia-wings india 2022 edition)
March (2)
Engagement of trade apprentice , advertisement no. 4/2022
Hansa-ng successfully completes sea level trials at puducherry
February (1)
Apply offline on or before 11.03.2022 advt. no. 02/2022
January (11)
Measures at csir-nal and csir-4pi to contain covid-19- reg.
Csir' technology showcase
Csir's covid portal
Happy republic day 2022
Expression of interest (eoi)
Stipendiary training programmes for sc/st candidates. advt. no. 1/2022
Notification of selection of project staff on temporary basis to work in csir-nal, bengaluru- reg. csir-nal notification no.11/2021 dated 10.12.2021
Request for quotations for nal stall design and fabrication on turnkey basis in wings india 2022 to be held at from 24-27 march, 2022 at hyderabad
Shortlisting of the candidates for skill test and interview.
2021 (33)
December (6)
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against 6/2020 for the position of scientists/sr. scientists at csir-nal
Online registration for project staff(apply on or before 18.12.2021)
Walk-in-interview for project staff -advt. no. 11/ 2021
Apply offline on or before 30.12.2021-advt.09/2021
Azadi ka amrit mahotsav competitions
Advt. no. 10/2021
November (2)
Aerial vaccine delivery by nal octa-med drone in jammu region on 27.11.2021
Partnership recognition award 2020-21 from bharath electronics limited (bel)
September (7)
Csir- nal and tasl bestowed with prestigious ‘csir diamond jubilee technology award 2020’
80th csir foundation day celebrations at csir-nal on 26.9.2021 at 3.00pm
Dr jitendra singh, hon'ble minister for s&t tweets on hansa-ng
Dg-csir's tweet on hansa ng
Hansa new generation (ng) aircraft, designed and developed by csir-nal, successfully make its maiden flight
'hansa-ng' makes successful maiden flight
Press release of hansa-ng aircraft
August (1)
Candidate(s) qualified against for the position of security officer at csir-nal
July (10)
Orders- measures at csir-nal and csir-4pi to contain covid-19- reg
List of candidates who have been shortlisted to be called for physical standards and physical test for the post of security officer as advertised vide advt. no. 7/2020
Covid vaccination drive on 22 july 2021 at nal
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against for the position of scientist at csir-nal
List of candidates who have been shortlisted to be called for physical standards and physical test for the post of security officer as advertised vide advt. no. 7/2020
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against & 3/2019 for the position of scientist/principal scientist at csir-nal
List of candidates who have been shortlisted to be called for interview for 13 positions of scientists/sr. scientists as advertised vide advt. no. 6/2020
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
June (2)
Advt. no. 6/2021 apply offline on or before 16.07.2021
Nal's humble leader - dr k n raju
May (1)
Tribute to dr s s srinath kumar (former head fmcd)
March (1)
'prof narasimha's contributions to nal' an article by dr p r viswanath and dr k yegnanarayan.
February (2)
Call for papers for ansh 2021-webinar on india’s self-reliance in the field of s & t
Csir-nal technologies & products
January (1)
Legend: prof. roddam narasimha at csir-nal
2020 (12)
November (1)
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
October (1)
Orders- measures at csir-nal and csir-4pi to contain covid-19- reg
September (2)
Csir-technology award 2020 - csir-nal received the ‘technology award for business development & technology marketing, 2020’.
Csir covid 19 technologies
May (2)
National aerospace laboratories, bengaluru developed bipap non invasive ventilator “swasthvayu” in 36 days for covid -19.
Csir's health assistive devices and ppes for covid-19. ready for technology transfer
April (2)
Csir-nal developed personal protective coverall suit to combat covid-19
Advanced composites division of csir-nal has received as9100d certification
March (4)
National science day 2020
Csir-nal’s mou with hal & letter of intent (loi) for hansa-ng at wings india 2020, hyderabad
Csir-nal- women's day celebration on 10 march 2020
Csir-nal organized a one day personality development programme for women staff on 6th march 2020 at s r v auditorium.
2019 (30)
December (1)
Result of selected candidates for recruitment of technician -1 in group ii against
November (3)
Results of interview held on 6&7 nov 2019 for project assistants level- i & level iii at csir-nal.
Csir-nal welcomes corporates to invest csr funds in r&d of institutes. please contact group leader.
Results of written test held on 06.11-2019 for project assistants level - i & iii
October (4)
Results of walk-in-interview held on 12-13, oct. 2019 and 18-19, oct. 2019
Advt. no.6 2019 walk-in-interview for project assistants level iii
Results of written test held on 18.10.2019 for project assistants level -ii 4/2019
Csir industry meet 2019
September (4)
Visit of dr harsh vardhan, hon'ble minister to csir-nal on 16.9.19
Jaldost- csir nal has signed collaborative agreement with m/s.shrivari engg. systems pvt. ltd.
Csir technology award for the year 2019
Written test for qualified candidates in trade test for recruitment of technicians in gr.ii
August (1)
Selected and waitlisted candidates for the position of scientist/senior scientist in csir-nal
June (5)
Launch of jaldost, the airboat for flood rescue, de-weeding
Successful commercialisation of composite technology
Csir-nal’s diamond jubilee function
Inauguration of csir-nal’s skill development centre
Csir nal diamond jubilee year book 2019
May (4)
Csir-nal technology day
Bharat ratna dr b r ambedkar's 128th birth anniversary celebrations 2019 -16.4.2019 list of shortlisted candidates for 47 posts of technician-1 in group ii grade
Handover of infuse (integrated fuselage shell) demonstrator to airbus on 14-03-2019
March (3)
National science day 2019
If you choose to aim high, there is no limit - the hindu
Csir-nal international women’s day celebration -8.3.19
February (3)
Hansa @ aero india 2019
Csir-nal @ aero india 2019
Successful flying display of saras, lauded & cheered by the crowd.
January (2)
A tribute to dr s r valluri, former director of csir-nal and visionary aero-scientist.
Achievements of csir during 2018
2018 (48)
December (2)
Dr shekhar c mande, dg-csir tweets on his visit to csir-nal on 21.12.18
Dr shekhar c mande, dg-csir visit to csir-nal on 21.12.18
October (2)
Csir & nal foundation day 2018 live webcast
Csir-nal receives jec asia-2018 innovation award
September (3)
Csir-nal and mesco aerospace ltd. signs collaborative agreement
Results of written examination held on 22.07.2018 advt.1/2017
Announcement for acsir phd admissions at nal for jan’19 session
August (7)
List of candidates who have been shortlisted advertised vide advt no.2/2017
Collaborative agreement between csir-nal and paras defence & space (pds) technologies limited, mumbai.
Live webcast of dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t visit on 13.8.2018
Press clippings- nal gets cracking on smaller, smarter drones - deccan herald aug 14 2018
Dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t tweets on his visit to csir-nal on 13.8.18
License agreement b/w csir-nal & bel - dhvani & abhias
Csir laboratory to manufacture critical composite air-frame components for lca tejas
July (5)
Licensing of autoclave technology-28.06.2018.
Apply offline before 20 august 2018 for post of consultant (acd)
Mzhb technology to msme-2nd in the series
Consultants selected for c-cadd & apmf respectively as advertised vide advt no.1 /2018
Transfer of “tapecasting technology for the production ceramic substrates”
June (1)
Nal airboat clearing weeds at ulsoor lake
May (4)
Csir-nal technology day 2018
Bharat ratna dr b r ambedkar's 127th birth anniversary celebrations 2018 on 1 june 2018
Csir-nal's metrology and calibration lab of apmf receives nabl accreditation for mechanical calibration
Clearance of chromic acid-free anodization process by rcma, cemilac
March (7)
Saras is about to connect india on its own wings-linking smaller towns for an aviation market set to boom
A closer look at "saras", india's first home-made passenger plane -march 25, 2018
List of candidates qualified in the skill/trade test for grp iii (1) (advt.1/2017)
Csir accords 'in-principle' approval for 'design, development & certification of hansa-ng' -
"propelling indian aerospace industry"
Wings india 2018 - inauguration of nal's rta mockup cockpit
Saras plane project takes off: nal, indian air force to add wings to india's dreams- march 26, 2018
February (8)
Dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t tweets, after the second flight of saras
Hiring of consultants at innovation protection unit csir hq
Results of the selected candidates -
Suchan-uav exhibition at dr. harsh vardhan, hon'ble union minister for science & technology residence
Saras completes the second test-flight successfully
Dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t inaugurated the airport instrumentation facility
Datasol gets piece of ftt autoclave cake
Dr.harsh vardhan’s visit to nal’s wind farm
January (9)
Fast track translational (ftt) technologies open tot account
List of shortlisted candidates for skill/trade test
E-procurement - attn. vendors
National seminar on ‘make-in-india: technologies of societal importance
Kempegowda international airport gets a taste of modi’s make in india with nal’s drishti
Saras pt1n makes its maiden flight
Saras will give a boost to prime minister narendra modiji’s missions of regional air connectivity and air taxi services and makeinindia - dr harsh vardhan, union minister for s&t
We have crossed over the first challenge -dr harsh vardhan, union minister for science & technology
One of csir’s makeinindia effort, which will benefit both civil & military requirements dg, csir
2017 (5)
December (5)
Upgraded saras pt1n all set for maiden flight in january
Inauguration of anodization pilot plant
Nal phd prospectus 2018
Installation of 20 kw wind solar hybrid system at nagarbhavi
Simple, sensitive, affordable &user-friendly
News Paper
2025 (8)
March (2)
Notification of list of selected candidate for engagement of research associate-1 against advt. no. 06/2024
A tribute to dr. s. balakrishna, the first head of flight mechanics & control division.
February (4)
Advertisement for the post of technical assistants at csir-nal, bengaluru vide advt. no.06/2025
Advertisement for the post of scientists / gr.iv(2) at csir-nal, bengaluru vide advt. no.01/2025
Specialist consultant post advt 01/2025
Results for the positions of part time medical officers on contract basis at csir-nal health centre - reg.
January (2)
Acsir ph.d awardees from csir-nal.
Engagement of part-time medical officers advt.13/2024
2024 (38)
December (5)
List of selected candidates for acsir ph.d program- jan 2025 session.
Seven days state mourning-demise of dr. manmohan singh, former prime minister of india on 26.12.2024 at aiims hospital, new delhi.
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt. no. 10/2024 - reg.
List of candidates qualified in the written test (screening) held on 12/12/2024 for engagement of project associate-i/pat-i against advt.10/2024.
Coffee table book developed for digital life certificate (dlc) campaign – reg.
November (5)
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt. 10/2024
Notification of selected/ waitlisted candidates for the post of technical officer (reserved for ews) in group ill against advt.3/2021 -reg.
Apply offline on or before 15th dec 2024, advt no 02/2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt. no. 11/2024 -reg.
Engagement of apprentice trainees through walk-in-interview. advt 12/2024
October (2)
Walk-in-interview for project staff, advt. no. 11/2024
Conduct of written examination for the qualified candidates in skill test against advt. no.3/2021 for recruitment to the post of technical officer in gr.ill (one post - reserved for ews) at csir-nal, bengaluru - reg.
September (3)
Implementation of online guest house booking system
Notification of selected / waitlisted candidates for the post of technician-1 in group ii against advt.4/2021.
Notice for caution regarding fraudulent recruitment
August (3)
Apply on or before 31 oct 2024, advt. no. 1/2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against
Apply offline on or before 30.08.2024,
July (5)
One week one theme-22-23 august 2024
Notification of selected/waitlisted candidates for the post of technical assistant in group iii against advt.3/2021
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt. no. 07/2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt. no. 05/2024- reg.
List of candidates qualified in the written test (screening) held on 02/07/2024 for engagement of project associate-i and project associate-i (net/gate) against advt.05/2024.
June (3)
Dr s r valluri-remembering the man who built csir-nal.
List of candidates qualified in the written test (screening) held on 26/06/2024 for engagement of project associate-i and project associate-i (net/gate) against advt.05/2024.
Walk-in-interview for project staff, advt. no. 05/2024
May (1)
Visit of hon'ble vice-president of india shri jagdeep dhankhar & hon'ble governor of karnataka shri thaawarchand gehlot to csir-nal
March (2)
Apply offline on or before 28.03.2024, advt 4/2024
Jrf advertisement advt. no.3/2024
February (4)
Apply offline on or before 07.03.2024
List of selected candidates for engagement as project staff against advt.12/2023 - reg.
Apply offline on or before 27.02.2024- advt 02/2024
List of selected candidates against for the position of junior research fellow at csir-nal.
January (5)
List of candidates qualified in the written test held on 18/01/2024 for engagement of project associate-i against advt.12/2023.
List of candidates qualified in the skill/ trade test held during 15th -20th may 2023 and on 5th january 2024 against advt. no. 3/2021
List of candidates qualified in the skill/ trade test held during 15th -20th may 2023 against advt. no. 4/2021
List of shortlisted candidates against for the position of junior research fellow at csir-nal
Result of advertisement no.2/2023
2023 (33)
December (3)
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt 12-2023
Results of written examination held on 15/10/2023 for selection to the position of junior secretariat assistant (f&a) against advt. no. 08/2020.
Jrf advertisement
November (1)
List of shortlisted candidate(s) against advt. no. 2/2023 for the position of technical assistant and senior technical officer - 2 at csir-nal
October (6)
Engagement of "scientific administrative assistant" against csir-nal advt. no. 10/2023
List of candidates who are qualified in the written test for engagement of "scientific administrative assistant" at csir-nal.
Industry interaction for avionics indigenisation, repair and overhaul
Handing over function of "development of flaperon test box assembly for amca" was successfully completed on 05/10/2023 at nal- director office
Team csir-nal feels proud to share that shri shyam chetty, former director, csir-nal has been awarded the international award for excellence in aerospace "life time achievement award " by "the stat trade times" in recognition for his outstanding & dedica
Walk-in-interview for the post of scientific administrative assistant on october 12, 2023 at csir-nal
August (7)
Observance of vigilance awareness week 2023 (16 august 2023 to 15 november 2023)
Tribute to shri g rajendra (1943 – 2023)
List of candidates qualified in the typing test held on 27.05.2023 for the post of junior secretariat assistant ( f&a) against advt. no. 8/2020
Tribute to dr v.s. arunachalam, former assistant director, nal & former sa to rm
Csir-nal proposes to recruit two junior research fellow for a period of two years under ongoing dst project, advt. no.9/2023
"notification of walk-in-interview results for the post of project staff" advt no 07/2023
One week one lab(owol) events at csir-nal from 19 sept 2023 to 24 sept 2023
July (3)
Visiting hours at csir - nal health centre - reg.
Csir-nal's contribution to chandrayaan mission
Reimbursement of medical claims in respect of employees / pensioners and their dependent family members - reg.
June (2)
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt. no. 07/2023
Apply offline on or before 23.06.2023, advt. no.5/2023
May (4)
Advt. no.2/2023 apply offline before 26.06.2023
List of selected candidates against advt. no. 3/2021 for the position of technical assistant in gr.iii at csir-nal
Last date for apply offline application is extended up to 15.06.2023
Download admit card for typing test for the post of junior secretariat assistant (f&a), post code ad-02 -advt.08/2020
April (1)
Apply offline on or before 12.05.2023, advt.03/2023
March (1)
Jigyasa2.0 summer student visiting programme 2023 @ csir-nal
February (2)
Selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no. 01/2023.
Candidates qualified in the skill test held on 08.02.2023 - advt. no. 3/2021
January (3)
Results of written examination held on 08.01.2023 for selection to the positions of junior secretariat assistant (gen/s&p) and junior stenographer against advt. 8/2020
Walk-in-interview for project staff advt 01/2023
2022 (48)
December (2)
Apply offline on or before 09.01.2023 advt. no. 1 0/2022
List of candidates qualified in the typing tests held during 29th - 30th september, 2022 against advt. no. 8/2020
November (3)
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.07 /2022, walk-in-interviews held during 2-3, nov. 2022 and 9-10, nov. 2022
Apply offline on or before 28.11.2022, advt. no. 08/2022
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.07 /2022, walk-in-interviews held during 19-20, october 2022
October (3)
Results of project staff interview held during 12-14, october 2022, advt. no.07 /2022.
Written test result of project associate -i held on 18/10/2022 against csir-nal, advt. no.07 /2022.
Special issue of "csir@80" years science reporter.
September (5)
Walk-in-interview for project staff, advt. no. 07/2022
Qualifying typing /stenography test for the post of junior secretariat assistant (gen/s&p) and junior stenographer advt .no. 8/2020
Csir-nal's production partner tasl receives purchase order for the supply of 15 composite parts to hal for the series production of lca mk1a
List of selected/waitlisted candidates against 3/2022 for the position of sr. technical officer- 1 (resident medical officer) at csir-nal
Dr abhay anant pashilkar assuming charge as director, csir - nal on 02.09.2022
August (2)
List of shortlisted candidates against for the position of st0-1 (resident medical officer) at csir-nal
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.06/2022
July (4)
Shortlisting of the candidates for trade test and written test. csir- nal advt. no.4/2021
Walk-in-interview for project associate i & ii on 01.08.2022 and project assistant on 02.08.2022 advt no. 06/2022
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.05/2022(interviews held on 07.07.2022)
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.05/2022.
June (6)
Notification of selection of project staff against csir-nal advt. no.05/2022.
Guidelines for guesthouse booking- reg.
Notification of selection of trade apprentice for apprenticeship training programme at csir-nal.
list of candidates for the post of junior stenographer, post code ad-03 who are meeting the screening criteria to be called for qualifying proficiency/typing test
Apply on or before 11.07.2022 advt. no. 3/2022
List of candidates for the post of junior secretariat assistant, post code ad-01 who are meeting the screening criteria to be called for qualifying typing test advt no. 08/2020
May (3)
"the hansa two-seat aircraft for pilot training" published in science reporter monthly magazine (may 2022 edition)
Results of interview held during 26th to 28th april, 2022 for project graduate trainees and project diploma trainees at csir-nal.
Change in holiday - ramzan - reg. ( holiday on 02-may-2022, monday)
April (6)
At the forefront of the country's aerospace needs, science india magazine march, 2022
राष्ट्रीय हिंदी वेबिनार (अंश- २०२२) , २१-२१ अप्रैल , २०२२
National hindi webinar (ansh-2022), 21-22 april 2022, 09.30 am to 5.00 am
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against 3/2021 for position of technical staff at csir-nal
Online registration for project staff, advt. no. 05/2022 (apply on or before 30.04.2022)
Csir-national aerospace laboratories - propelling indian aerospace industry (aeromag asia-wings india 2022 edition)
March (2)
Engagement of trade apprentice , advertisement no. 4/2022
Hansa-ng successfully completes sea level trials at puducherry
February (1)
Apply offline on or before 11.03.2022 advt. no. 02/2022
January (11)
Measures at csir-nal and csir-4pi to contain covid-19- reg.
Csir' technology showcase
Csir's covid portal
Happy republic day 2022
Expression of interest (eoi)
Stipendiary training programmes for sc/st candidates. advt. no. 1/2022
Notification of selection of project staff on temporary basis to work in csir-nal, bengaluru- reg. csir-nal notification no.11/2021 dated 10.12.2021
Request for quotations for nal stall design and fabrication on turnkey basis in wings india 2022 to be held at from 24-27 march, 2022 at hyderabad
Shortlisting of the candidates for skill test and interview.
2021 (33)
December (6)
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against 6/2020 for the position of scientists/sr. scientists at csir-nal
Online registration for project staff(apply on or before 18.12.2021)
Walk-in-interview for project staff -advt. no. 11/ 2021
Apply offline on or before 30.12.2021-advt.09/2021
Azadi ka amrit mahotsav competitions
Advt. no. 10/2021
November (2)
Aerial vaccine delivery by nal octa-med drone in jammu region on 27.11.2021
Partnership recognition award 2020-21 from bharath electronics limited (bel)
September (7)
Csir- nal and tasl bestowed with prestigious ‘csir diamond jubilee technology award 2020’
80th csir foundation day celebrations at csir-nal on 26.9.2021 at 3.00pm
Dr jitendra singh, hon'ble minister for s&t tweets on hansa-ng
Dg-csir's tweet on hansa ng
Hansa new generation (ng) aircraft, designed and developed by csir-nal, successfully make its maiden flight
'hansa-ng' makes successful maiden flight
Press release of hansa-ng aircraft
August (1)
Candidate(s) qualified against for the position of security officer at csir-nal
July (10)
Orders- measures at csir-nal and csir-4pi to contain covid-19- reg
List of candidates who have been shortlisted to be called for physical standards and physical test for the post of security officer as advertised vide advt. no. 7/2020
Covid vaccination drive on 22 july 2021 at nal
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against for the position of scientist at csir-nal
List of candidates who have been shortlisted to be called for physical standards and physical test for the post of security officer as advertised vide advt. no. 7/2020
List of selected and waitlisted candidates against & 3/2019 for the position of scientist/principal scientist at csir-nal
List of candidates who have been shortlisted to be called for interview for 13 positions of scientists/sr. scientists as advertised vide advt. no. 6/2020
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
June (2)
Advt. no. 6/2021 apply offline on or before 16.07.2021
Nal's humble leader - dr k n raju
May (1)
Tribute to dr s s srinath kumar (former head fmcd)
March (1)
'prof narasimha's contributions to nal' an article by dr p r viswanath and dr k yegnanarayan.
February (2)
Call for papers for ansh 2021-webinar on india’s self-reliance in the field of s & t
Csir-nal technologies & products
January (1)
Legend: prof. roddam narasimha at csir-nal
2020 (12)
November (1)
Advertisement for engagement of project staff , advt. no.7/2021.
October (1)
Orders- measures at csir-nal and csir-4pi to contain covid-19- reg
September (2)
Csir-technology award 2020 - csir-nal received the ‘technology award for business development & technology marketing, 2020’.
Csir covid 19 technologies
May (2)
National aerospace laboratories, bengaluru developed bipap non invasive ventilator “swasthvayu” in 36 days for covid -19.
Csir's health assistive devices and ppes for covid-19. ready for technology transfer
April (2)
Csir-nal developed personal protective coverall suit to combat covid-19
Advanced composites division of csir-nal has received as9100d certification
March (4)
National science day 2020
Csir-nal’s mou with hal & letter of intent (loi) for hansa-ng at wings india 2020, hyderabad
Csir-nal- women's day celebration on 10 march 2020
Csir-nal organized a one day personality development programme for women staff on 6th march 2020 at s r v auditorium.
2019 (30)
December (1)
Result of selected candidates for recruitment of technician -1 in group ii against
November (3)
Results of interview held on 6&7 nov 2019 for project assistants level- i & level iii at csir-nal.
Csir-nal welcomes corporates to invest csr funds in r&d of institutes. please contact group leader.
Results of written test held on 06.11-2019 for project assistants level - i & iii
October (4)
Results of walk-in-interview held on 12-13, oct. 2019 and 18-19, oct. 2019
Advt. no.6 2019 walk-in-interview for project assistants level iii
Results of written test held on 18.10.2019 for project assistants level -ii 4/2019
Csir industry meet 2019
September (4)
Visit of dr harsh vardhan, hon'ble minister to csir-nal on 16.9.19
Jaldost- csir nal has signed collaborative agreement with m/s.shrivari engg. systems pvt. ltd.
Csir technology award for the year 2019
Written test for qualified candidates in trade test for recruitment of technicians in gr.ii
August (1)
Selected and waitlisted candidates for the position of scientist/senior scientist in csir-nal
June (5)
Launch of jaldost, the airboat for flood rescue, de-weeding
Successful commercialisation of composite technology
Csir-nal’s diamond jubilee function
Inauguration of csir-nal’s skill development centre
Csir nal diamond jubilee year book 2019
May (4)
Csir-nal technology day
Bharat ratna dr b r ambedkar's 128th birth anniversary celebrations 2019 -16.4.2019 list of shortlisted candidates for 47 posts of technician-1 in group ii grade
Handover of infuse (integrated fuselage shell) demonstrator to airbus on 14-03-2019
March (3)
National science day 2019
If you choose to aim high, there is no limit - the hindu
Csir-nal international women’s day celebration -8.3.19
February (3)
Hansa @ aero india 2019
Csir-nal @ aero india 2019
Successful flying display of saras, lauded & cheered by the crowd.
January (2)
A tribute to dr s r valluri, former director of csir-nal and visionary aero-scientist.
Achievements of csir during 2018
2018 (48)
December (2)
Dr shekhar c mande, dg-csir tweets on his visit to csir-nal on 21.12.18
Dr shekhar c mande, dg-csir visit to csir-nal on 21.12.18
October (2)
Csir & nal foundation day 2018 live webcast
Csir-nal receives jec asia-2018 innovation award
September (3)
Csir-nal and mesco aerospace ltd. signs collaborative agreement
Results of written examination held on 22.07.2018 advt.1/2017
Announcement for acsir phd admissions at nal for jan’19 session
August (7)
List of candidates who have been shortlisted advertised vide advt no.2/2017
Collaborative agreement between csir-nal and paras defence & space (pds) technologies limited, mumbai.
Live webcast of dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t visit on 13.8.2018
Press clippings- nal gets cracking on smaller, smarter drones - deccan herald aug 14 2018
Dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t tweets on his visit to csir-nal on 13.8.18
License agreement b/w csir-nal & bel - dhvani & abhias
Csir laboratory to manufacture critical composite air-frame components for lca tejas
July (5)
Licensing of autoclave technology-28.06.2018.
Apply offline before 20 august 2018 for post of consultant (acd)
Mzhb technology to msme-2nd in the series
Consultants selected for c-cadd & apmf respectively as advertised vide advt no.1 /2018
Transfer of “tapecasting technology for the production ceramic substrates”
June (1)
Nal airboat clearing weeds at ulsoor lake
May (4)
Csir-nal technology day 2018
Bharat ratna dr b r ambedkar's 127th birth anniversary celebrations 2018 on 1 june 2018
Csir-nal's metrology and calibration lab of apmf receives nabl accreditation for mechanical calibration
Clearance of chromic acid-free anodization process by rcma, cemilac
March (7)
Saras is about to connect india on its own wings-linking smaller towns for an aviation market set to boom
A closer look at "saras", india's first home-made passenger plane -march 25, 2018
List of candidates qualified in the skill/trade test for grp iii (1) (advt.1/2017)
Csir accords 'in-principle' approval for 'design, development & certification of hansa-ng' -
"propelling indian aerospace industry"
Wings india 2018 - inauguration of nal's rta mockup cockpit
Saras plane project takes off: nal, indian air force to add wings to india's dreams- march 26, 2018
February (8)
Dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t tweets, after the second flight of saras
Hiring of consultants at innovation protection unit csir hq
Results of the selected candidates -
Suchan-uav exhibition at dr. harsh vardhan, hon'ble union minister for science & technology residence
Saras completes the second test-flight successfully
Dr. harsh vardhan union minister for s&t inaugurated the airport instrumentation facility
Datasol gets piece of ftt autoclave cake
Dr.harsh vardhan’s visit to nal’s wind farm
January (9)
Fast track translational (ftt) technologies open tot account
List of shortlisted candidates for skill/trade test
E-procurement - attn. vendors
National seminar on ‘make-in-india: technologies of societal importance
Kempegowda international airport gets a taste of modi’s make in india with nal’s drishti
Saras pt1n makes its maiden flight
Saras will give a boost to prime minister narendra modiji’s missions of regional air connectivity and air taxi services and makeinindia - dr harsh vardhan, union minister for s&t
We have crossed over the first challenge -dr harsh vardhan, union minister for science & technology
One of csir’s makeinindia effort, which will benefit both civil & military requirements dg, csir
2017 (5)
December (5)
Upgraded saras pt1n all set for maiden flight in january
Inauguration of anodization pilot plant
Nal phd prospectus 2018
Installation of 20 kw wind solar hybrid system at nagarbhavi
Simple, sensitive, affordable &user-friendly
Last updated on : 19-09-2020 12:04:36am
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