Towards implementing the “Skill India” Mission of the Government of India, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories has set up its Aerospace Skill Development Centre, under CSIR’s Integrated Skill Initiative Programme. This Centre will offer a number of skill development and skill upgradation courses in partnership with the Aviation and Aerospace Sector Skill Council (AASSC) to the ITI and Diploma qualified youth, in addition to industry workers. The main aim of these courses is to create the high-quality, industry-ready skilled workforce relevant to current and emerging industry needs in the Aerospace Manufacturing, Assembly, Design & Development and Airlines Operations Sectors. This is achieved through training/re-skilling in areas catering to different National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) levels.
The Centre was inaugurated on 1st June 2019 in the CSIR-NAL premises. Initially, the Centre will offer 5-6 job roles in the Aerospace Manufacturing and Design sub-sectors. The course duration ranges from 4 weeks to 4 months, with an anticipated intake of 150 trainees during the first year. CSIR-NAL’s initiative will give a big boost to the Skill Development Mission of the Government of India under NSDC.

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