A dedicated Unit under CSIR-NAL for applied research and product development of all classes of MAVs (Fixed, Rotary and Flapping wing) in India. We bridge diverse research and product oriented approaches to a work force for aerial systems. Comprising of four sub units with specific tasks and targets the MAV UNIT handles problems and delivers solutions through a robust design cycle.
Design Center: A group to conceptualize, design, computationally analyze and fabricate prototype aerial systems. High fidelity computational studies and optimization are used for the design and analysis cycle.
MART (Micro aerial vehicle Aerodynamics Research Tunnel): A special purpose Low Speed wind tunnel facility for research, testing and analysis of airfoils, MAVs (Fixed, Rotary and Flapping wing MAVs) and fundamental research.
Avionics & Flight Testing: Avionics integration, testing, qualification, flight trials and post flight data analysis are carried out by a group to ensure system worthiness.
Flapping Wing Research Group: A team to study and understand fundamental flow physics over insect and bird flight and towards next generation bio-inspired aerial systems.
- Reliability
- High Performance
- Innovation