At CSIR-NAL, in MAV Unit, a dedicated group has been formed to carry out fundamental as well as applied research on flapping wing MAVs. Systematic research has been under taken by this group in order to meet various challenges and requirements while designing the flapping wing MAVs. For example, designing MAV having hovering or gliding capability or tailless flapping wing MAV etc. The group also has initiated the work in the area of bio-aerodynamics of bird and insect flight to design and develop bio-inspired flapping wing MAVs. In collaboration with material science division at CSIR-NAL, the group is also developing and testing smart material based actuators to generate flapping motion in insect sized flapping wing MAVs.
Standardized flapping wing mechanism to carry out parametric studies.
Techniques applied in this facility
- Force-Torque Sensors (0.3 g resolution)
- Beam type Load Cells (1 g resolution)
- Stroboscope
- High Speed Camera and Light Sheet Optics
- Micro Electro-Mechanical Components

PIV over flexible and rigid airfoils.