The mandate of Systems Engineering Division (SYD) in CSIR-NAL, is to play a lead role in the Project Lifecycle Management of an Aircraft Programme; initiated by developing technological roadmaps, capturing requirements, traceability, project scheduling, risk analysis and management. It also involves synthesis of multi-disciplinary activities in the conceptual design stage and multi-disciplinary optimization followed by customer requirements validation using Virtual Reality, Reliability, Availability and Maintainability.
Current Programmes
SYD is currently involved in the activities related to 19-seater light transport aircraft (SARAS- Mk2), the all composite Hansa-3 (NG), a 2-seater ab initio trainer for pilot training in flying clubs, proposed 90 seater Regional Transport Aircraft (RTA-90) and Electric aircraft.
Road mapping, Risk Analysis, Requirements management & Traceability
- Development of Technological Roadmaps
- Requirements Capture, Management and Traceability
- Project Scheduling and Management
- Technical Risk Analysis
- Means of Compliance and Certification requirements analysis
Design Synthesis , MBSE & Multi-Disciplinary Optimization
- Model Based Systems Engineering
- Developing concepts based on Requirements, Functional , Logical and Physical models
- Design Synthesis of Aerodynamic. Structural, Propulsion and Control concepts
- Multi-Disciplinary Optimization
Virtual Reality & Reliability
- Digital Mock up for new designs
- Anthroprometry and Ergonomic studies
- Functional Hazard & Fault Tree Analyses
- Failure Mode Effects and Reliability Block Diagram Analyses
- Common Cause and Particular Risk analysis
- Flying Scaled Models
Market Research, Civil Aviation and Air Transport Development:
- Feasibility, Market Research Analysis and Civil Aviation Policy Studies.
- Air Transport Development: Concepts of Feeder Airline Operations, Regional & Short Haul Air Transportation Systems and complimentary role of Multi-modal transport modes/ systems.
- Air Transportation Demand Analysis & Modelling and Airline Network Structure Analysis, Design & Optimization.