Autoclaves for curing of composites
1. 450mm dia, 500mm length, 200 Deg C, 7 bar – Desk top Autoclave
2. 900mm dia X900mm length - 10 bar, 250 Deg C - Divine Autoclave
Desk top Autoclave: ( 0.4mX 0.5m)
For processing of small sized composites like MAV air frames and
laminates for Research work in Composites
- Operating Temperature and Pressure : 200 Deg C, 7 bar
- 400mm dia x 500mm Length
- Fail safe and easy to operate
- Quick lock hinged door & integrated lock ring
- Touch screen based PLC with Auto & manual modes.
- Compact table mounted
- 32A, 230V Single phase power supply
- Air less, solenoid operated control valves
- Fits in a space of 1.5m cube.

Devine Autoclave: (0.9m dia. X 0.9m)
Operating Temperature: 10 bar, 250 Deg C
Microprocessor based control system and Data acquisition.