Design of Virtex-7 FPGA based Data Communication Device
Design of Virtex-7 FPGA based Data Communication Device.
Sofia Evelin, V.V Jagannadham, Anandaraj. D and Siddesha.K
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE), ISSN: 2278 – 909X, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015, Page no. 449-452.
CSIR-NAL has built India’s first parallel computer, Flosolver Mk1 in 1986. The current Flosolver Mk8 is a 1024 processors, 10 Tera FLOPS parallel computing system, based on cluster approach for multitasking. Each cluster has multiple processing elements. These processing elements communicate with other through an indigenously developed switch called “FloSwitch”. This customized, re-configurable FloSwitch has its own data processing capability along with data passing and can perform read and write operations simultaneously. Currently FloSwitch is based on Virtex- 5 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with 16 optical channels working at 3.125 Gbps per channel per direction. This paper presents a Virtex-7 FPGA based FloSwitch design which aim is to provide high speed serial connectivity of 28.05 Gbps per channel per direction. The design is carried out in OrCAD tool.
Keywords- FloSwitch, Virtex-7 FPGA, OrCAD, optical transceivers, processing elements.