0.5 m Base flow Tunnel
0.5 m Base flow facility is one of unique facility in the world which is used to study the afterbody nozzle flow studies. The model support interference on the measurements is completely eliminated in this facility. This facility is capable of simulating the nozzle and freestream flows, so that the interaction of the exhaust jet with freestream can be studied. The experimental capabilities of this facility include force steady and unsteady pressure measurements. Flow visualisation studies such as Schlieren and oil flow studies can be carried out.
Test section 524 mm dia
Nozzle Variable geometry
Operation Intermittent blow down type
Mach number 0.5-4.0
Jet nozzle flows Upto 150 psi
Reynolds number range 10-50 million/m
Model support Nozzle inner body 127 dia
Test duration 30-90 sec
Controls and data acquisition PC based controls and Labview based data acquisition system
Flow diagnostics PIV, Schlieren, Background oriented schlieren (BOS), Oil flow viz..
Measurements Force measurements using strain gauge Balance(Annular Balance or flow through balance)
Research activities Afterbody studies of single and twinjet nozzle, Launch vehicle and missile afterbodies, Air-intake configurations, Aerospike nozzle.
Major clients of this facility
- ADA, Bangalore
- DRDL, Hyderabad
- VSSC, rivandrum
Some of the notable research activities carried out in the tunnel are as follows:
- Afterbody studies on LCA/AMCA model
- HSTDV SERN nozzle studies
- Base drag reduction studies on Missile and combat aircrafts
- Nozzle Flow studies
Freestream-Jet interaction studies on Launch vehicle model