Implementation of Image Processing on Raspberry Pi
K.S.Shilpashree, Lokesha.H, Hadimani Shivkumar, Implementation of Image Processing on Raspberry Pi, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, India, May 2015, Issue 5 pp 199-202, ISSN 2278 – 1021
Today image processing are used in various techniques, this paper presents the implementation of imageprocessing operations on Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a basic embedded system and being a low cost a singleboard computer used to reduce the complexity of systems in real time applications. This platform is mainly based on python. Raspberry pi consist of Camera slot Interface (CSI) to interface the raspberry pi camera. Here, the Dark and Low contrast images captured by using the Raspberry Pi camera module are enhanced in order to identify the particular region of image. This concept is used in the real time application of MAV, The MAVs are basically used to capture images and videos through the Raspberry pi camera module. Because of its credit card sized (small) and less weight in the design. However, the image captured by MAVs will consist of unwanted things due to atmospheric conditions; hence it is necessary to remove noise present in the MAVs images.
Keywords: Image Capturing, Raspberry Pi, Camera Module, Python, Enhancement Algorithms.