Keithley Electrical Conductivity Meters with 6517B Electrometer ( for High resistivity measurements)
Volume Resistivity or Surface Resistivity of polymers, FRP composites, films and pellets can be measured according to standard ASTM D 4496 and MIL AMS-C-83231A. Electrometer 6517B performs resistance measurements ranging between 10 Ω - 1018Ω. With Keithley 8009 resistivity chamber accessory, Electrometer 6517B can measure the resistance of the samples having thickness range between 0.001mm to 3mm, length and breadth between 70mm to 90mm.
Low resistivity measurements between (10pΩ to 450KΩ) can be carried out using 6221 constant current source & 2187A Nanovoltmeter (voltage measuring ranges between 10mV to 100V). Four Point Collinear Probe Method / Four-point van der Pauw Method can be made using keithley dual units 6221 AC and DC Current Source & 2182 A Nanovoltmeter.