Composite Repair Facility
The use of composite materials in aerospace industry has risen significantly in recent years. Hence, there is a strong need for repair technologies on primary aircraft structures like wings, fuselage. Common damages on these structures can be due to accidental impact, bird strike, hail storm, lightning or from moisture ingression. For economic reasons, these damages may be repaired instead of part replacement. Bonded composite patch repair (scarf patches) are generally preferred as they provide enhanced stress transfer mechanisms, joint efficiencies and aerodynamic performance. However, structural bonded repairs pose several scientific challenges with the current existing repair technologies. ACD has the capability for development of quick cost effective, durable and air worthy repair schemes for damaged aircraft structures. The repair facilities and capabilities include
- Trained man power
- PC based software for repair design
- Repair of metallic structures with composites
- Portable fixtures for repair
- Lap top based Cure Controller
- Software tools for local redesign to overcome the damage
Some of the major contributions of repair technology group are the following.
- Setting up of state of the art composite repair laboratory at 11 BRD, AF Station, Nasik
- Repair of MiG-29 Fin
- Repair of AN-32 and IL-76 Radomes
- Composite repair on IL-76 ventral Fin
- Supply of CFRP fuselage belly fairings
- Recovery of UAVs
- Repair of main landing Gear Bean of MiG-23
- Development of repair schemes for Wing fuel leak
- Repair of MiG-29K flaps
10 Providing training of IAF personnel on composite repairs
The repair technology group of ACD has RCMA accreditation to carry out field repair on MiG-29 and has developed many repair tools for machining and patented fixtures for the repair of aircraft parts through adhesive bonding.