Bi-level positive Airway pressure Non-Invasive ventilator “SWASTHVAYU”
CSIR-NAL developed low cost indigenized a bi-level positive airway pressure, Non-Invasive ventilator device named as “SwasthVayu” which is a microcontroller-based closed-loop adaptive control system. The system has a blower, flow manifold, exhalation TEE with HEPA filter (Highly Efficient Particulate Air Filter), a Sensor interface and realtime closed loop controller module. The flow manifold and the exhalation TEE are designed in-house to meet the requirements as mentioned in technical leaflet and are made out of the biocompatible materials. These unique features help to alleviate the fear of the virus spread. The system operates in different modes like Spontaneous, CPAP, Timed, AUTO BIPAP modes with provision to connect Oxygen concentrator or Enrichment unit externally. The system has undergone beta-clinical trials at CSIR-NAL Health Centre and clinical trials at Jublee hospital , Hyderabad . The system has been certified for safety, performance and Bio-compatibility by M/s TUV, M/s Transcaal and M/s Bioneed respectively.

System Test Results
The Clinical trials on a healthy human was carried out at NAL health center. The IPAP pressure was set to 10 cm of H2o and EPAP was set to 5. The plots generated are shown in figure 5-1, where in the flow rate variation is also shown. From the closed loop test result, it can be inferred that; the system outlet pressure profile is very good in agreement with the set pressure profile in the instantaneous breathing mode. This indicates the accurate selection of the blower unit, accurate measurement of flow through the designed orifice plate and also optimum sizing of exhaust port orifice.