Dr V P S Naidu

Dr V P S Naidu

His research is concerned with fundamental and applied research in the area of multi-sensor data fusion and state estimation. Particular focus areas are image registration, image fusions, target state estimation, condition based monitoring, integrated enhanced synthetic vision system. His research is predominantly experimental but includes theoretical and numerical studies.


A key element of his research, spanning more than 16 years, is developing multi sensor data fusion algorithms for many national projects. He contributed in the development of enhanced and synthetic vision system at the MSDF lab. A prototype enhanced vision system had been developed and tested in both laboratory and Hansa flight. He contributed four chapters in two books published by CRC press edited by Dr. Raol. A further focus of recent research has been the sense and avoid techniques for UAS applications, for bearing, engine and electro-mechanical actuator health condition based monitoring techniques, physiological signal analysis for brain mapping and pilot workload assessment, flight vision system for improving pilot situation awareness.


Research Interest

Condition based monitoring, Image processing & fusion, State estimation, Computer vision, Physiological signal processing, UAS sense and avoid, Integrated enhanced synthetic vision, multi-sensor data fusion.

Last updated on : 20-11-2024 08:08:36pm