Chakradhar R P S Dr

Chakradhar R P S Dr

Dr. Chakradhar`s research is mainly focused on the development of functional coatings using thermal spray and solution spray techniques. He is currently working on the development of radar absorbing materials (RAM) and coatings for stealth technology. He is also actively working on the development of black coatings for space applications. He has taken a lead role in evaluating the ice removal rates of icephobic coatings. His another area of expertise is on electron spin resonance spectroscopy. He was also actively involved in the development of hydrophobic and superhydrophobic coatings. Currently, in collaboration with IMMT he is developing iron aluminide coatings by HVOF process for fossil fuel power plant applications.


Areas of Interest: Thermal spray coatings, Radar absorbing materials and coatings, Wear resistant coatings

Last updated on : 11-11-2021 04:51:00pm