Radome Technology
CSIR-NAL Bangalore has delivered ground based and airborne radomes for various national programs during the past thirty years. CSIR-NAL team (comprising of CEM, MT, CSMST, STTD, and APMF divisions) has contributed significantly to the design and development of Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) radome installed at SHAAR, Sreeharikota, Fire Control Radar (FCR) radome for Jaguar aircraft, Astra missile radome, nosecone radome for Saras aircraft etc. Novel EM designs like variable thickness radome (VTR) and hybrid VTR have been developed as part of the above mentioned projects.
Further, the CSIR-NAL team has developed techniques to modify the conventional radome wall configurations for high performance airborne radomes with the inclusion of wire grids/ meshes, anisotropic materials, resonant or semi-resonant inclusions, frequency selective surfaces (FSS). Currently the activities are focused on high performance radome design and development based on (a) conventional FSS structures, and (b) metamaterial FSS structures. The above mentioned activities are well supported by state-of-the-art fabrication facilities at CSMST & APMF, vibration test facilities at STTD, National Facilities (FSS-based Design and Development Facility and Electromagnetic Materials Applications Facility) established at CEM.
In Radome Technology, the capabilities of CSIR-NAL include:
- Integrated antenna-radome analysis
- Variable thickness radome (VTR) and hybrid VTR designs
- Ground-based and airborne radomes
- High temperature high performance radomes
- Radome broadbanding techniques
- Radome EM performance enhancement
- In-house EM material characterization of candidate radome materials