Director's Technical Secretariat (DTS)
Director's Technical Secretariat (DTS) is the technical cell of the Director's Office formed on 1st June 2023 to enable smooth function of day to day activities. The Secretariat works directly under Director through Head to cater to the technical needs and other services of the laboratories.
The functions of DTS are listed below:
Head, DTS holds the following responsibilities:
- Member Secretary for Research Council
- Director's Nominee for Kendriya Vidyalaya Activities
- Chairman, ISTAG
- Director's Nominee for HRDG activities
- Convener for NAL Academic Cell
- Ex- officio member NAL Academic Committee
- Convener, HOD Meetings
- Chief Editor, Annual Report and other special publications
Major activities of DTS are as follows:
- HRDG Activities:
- Deputation of NAL Staff to Various Conference, Seminars, Workshops, Courses
- Student programmes – Internships and projects including support for AcSIR activities
- PR Activities:
- Dissemination of information on events through public relations
- Conducting Visitors service - VIP, Defense, Foreign, College, General
- Student Outreach programmes (JIGYASA)
- Press & Media, Multimedia & Social Media
- Photography & Videography
- Content Management of the NAL website and Intranet page
- NAL Advertisement & Sponsorship
- Digital Design & Printing activities:
- Digital designing of all publications
- Print production activities