Monostatic radar cross section of flying wing delta planforms
Sevoor Meenakshisundaram Vaitheeswaran, Talapaneni Shantakumar Gowthami, Sunil Prasad, Bharadwaja Yathirajam, Monostatic radar cross section of flying wing delta planforms, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Available online 14 February 2017, ISSN 2215-0986,
The design of the flying wing and its variants shapes continues to have a profound influence in the designof the current and future use of military aircraft. There is very little in the open literature available to the understanding and by way of comparison of the radar cross section of the different wing planforms, for obvious reasons of security and sensitivity. This paper aims to provide an insight about the radar cross section of the various flying wing planforms that would aid the need and amount of radar cross section suppression to escape detection from surveillance radars. Towards this, the shooting and bouncing ray method is used for analysis. In this, the geometric optics theory is first used for launching and tracing the electromagnetic rays to calculate the electromagnetic field values as the waves bounce around the target. The physical optics theory is next used to calculate the final scattered electric field using the far field integration along the observation direction. For the purpose of comparison, all the planform shapes are assumed to be having the same area, and only the aspect ratio and taper ratio are varied to feature representative airplanes.