1.2m Trisonic Wind Tunnel

Working section
1.2m x 1.2m
Intermittent blowdown
Test duration
40 seconds (typical)
Mach number range
0.2 to 4.0
Transonic insert
Perforated walls, 60° inclined holes at top and bottom with 65 open area, normal holes at sides with 20% open area.
Stagnation pressure
1.5 to 8.0 bar
Reynolds number
8x106 to 60x106 per meter
Model incidence
-15° to +27°, continuous and step mode
Model roll angle
0° to 360°
Model side-slip range
-10° to 10° using TRMS
Special controls
Transonic Mach number control, transonic Mach number sweep and pressure sweep.
Special rigs
Captive trajectory system for aircraft store separation studies
Semi-captive trajectory rig for multi-booster separation studies of launch vehicles
Forced oscillation rig for dynamic derivative measurements in pitch and yaw
Jet simulation rig
Sting, ventral strut, side strut support system
Beta sector for yaw tests
Roll Damping Rig
Major test capabilities
Force and moment measurements
Unsteady pressure measurements
Steady pressure measurements
Hinge moment measurements
Air-intake tests
Half-model support system
Multi-booster separation studies
Store carriage and separation tests
Forced oscillation technique for dynamic derivative measurements in pitch and yaw
Roll damping derivative measurements
Aero-elastic testing
Helmet tests