Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR)
PhD Programme in Engineering and Sciences at
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bangalore

Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR) has been established in 2011, by an Act of Parliament, as an 'Institution of National Importance' with the mandate to create and train some of the best of tomorrow's Science & Technology leaders through a combination of innovative and novel curricula, pedagogy and evaluation. National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Bangalore is a constituent Institution under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India. NAL is a high technology oriented institution concentrating on advanced topics in the aerospace and related disciplines. Aerospace technology encompasses the trans-disciplinary areas of science and engineering and is in the forefront of modern developments and achievements in the fields of aeronautics, space and defence. It involves study of various disciplines namely aerodynamics, propulsion, flight mechanics, avionics, materials and structures. The PhD (Engineering)/ PhD (Sciences) programme being offered at CSIR-NAL, Bangalore through AcSIR aims to provide in-depth exposure to the engineering concepts, scientific principles, research methodology and hands on experience on advanced real life R&D projects in different disciplines of Aerospace. Students completing this program are expected to be fully research – enabled and ready to work for the Industries. This helps in meeting the severe shortage of the highly skilled manpower required for developing technologies for the future generation flight vehicles.

The first few semesters of the program focuses on the coursework required for equipping the students with the fundamentals of the subjects related to their research problem. In the subsequent semester/s the students work towards preparing a research proposal before taking a comprehensive examination by selecting topics of high relevance and novelty, and will have state-of-the art review, methodologies, recommendations etc. After successfully completing the comprehensive examination the students will be utilizing their knowledge acquired through the coursework and literature review to solve real-world design challenges by working on advanced R&D topics and for a thesis on the chosen topic. Simultaneously, they will also be involved in a Six–Eight weeks project concerned with societal/rural







Eligibility for Admission:

Eligibility Criteria for PhD (Sciences) and Sponsored PhD (Sciences)

PhD (Sciences)

Candidates with a Master's degree in Science or equivalent are eligible to apply. The candidate should be having a valid National level fellowship (JRF/ SRF of various funding agencies, e.g. CSIR, UGC, DBT, DST etc.) or any other equivalent fellowship like INSPIRE, RGNF etc.

Project Assistants, Senior Research Fellows, Group-IV Scientists and Group-III Technical Staff of CSIR are also eligible to apply (as per relevant AcSIR rules). 

Sponsored PhD (Sciences)

Candidates with a Master's degree in Science or equivalent are eligible to apply with endorsement from Industry, Academic or Research Institutes for required academic leave and financial support during program. 

Applicants qualifying their degree in percentage shall use the formula, CGPA=(Percentage + 5) /10. Applicants with percentage ≥ 95%, shall fill 10 CGPA in the Online Application Form.

Eligibility Criteria for PhD (Engineering) and Sponsored PhD (Engineering)

(i)    A Master’s degree in Engineering or Technology following a four-year engineering/technology or 4/5 year science degree; or an integrated minimum-5-year M Tech degree; or equivalent.
(ii)     At least one of the following

(a)     Awarded a national-level fellowship (such as NET JRF) tenable at CSIR institutes

(b)    Meeting all the conditions required for eligibility for the CSIR-SRF

(c)     Meeting all the conditions for award of the INSPIRE fellowship (typically awarded to students ranked first in the University)

(d)    Meeting all the conditions stipulated by AcSIR for Project Assistants to register for a PhD

(e)    Meeting all the conditions stipulated by AcSIR for industry-sponsored* students.

Project Assistants, Senior Research Fellows, Group-IV Scientists and Group-III Technical Staff of CSIR are also eligible to apply (as per relevant AcSIR rules)

AcSIR Ph.D awardees from CSIR-NAL.

Advertisement of AcSIR Ph.D program for Jan 2024. 

Scientists willing to guide for August 2024 Session,Click on the name for further details.

AcSIR Main Website



Contact us :

Dr.Vanaja A
AcSIR Coordinator & Sr.Principal Scientist,
CSIR-NAL, Old Airport Road
Phone:080 2508 6451